Saturday, September 18, 2010


It's one of the things I do best. If there is one thing in this world I am good at, it's procrastinating ;). I can't lie though, I wish I wasn't so good at it. But hey, I am really good at it...

My entire life I have procrastinated. From elementary school to high school I have always been this way with projects, studying and daily assignments. It was always uncommon for me to sit down, and take care of all my work all at once. I wonder if it is my parents fault to a certain degree.

Taking 16 credits this semester, working 15 hours a week, 2 bible studies, and numerous other activities (fantasy football :) ) it really isn't a good thing to have right now. I don't even have time to focus on reading scripture on a regular basis because the work just seems to pile up. I want to be able to focus on everything I am given that means a lot to me.

I need to refocus, get my priorities straight and get this habit out of my system. Only then I will find myself feeling more organized, relaxed, and ultimately fulfilled. Fulfillment is what I am aiming for and God is the key to that. What's the one thing you need to get out of your tree of bad habits?


  1. Ben,
    I know how you feel. throughout my high school years, i used to procrastinate and do things as late as i possibly could, but know i use my time to my advantage. It is good to set yourself some boundries and get all your stuff done on time, but don't stress yourself out about also need to leave some down time for yourself. Maybe if you try working on time management that might help you or work on things a little at a time so it eases up your load that might help too. Don't let pushing things off get in the way of what you like to do, it is good to keep up with your gifts and talents. Keep working on your goals and you will find it easier to change things than not changing them at all.

  2. Procrastination is a big problem and everyone does is sometime or another. I always feel like there is something better to do, or that I will have time later to do my homework or to study but in reality you never have as much time as you think you do. It seems like you are very busy and do have alot going on in your life and just take things slow, and if you have an extra hour inbetween something or just have a little time, then use that for your readings, or school work because you do have quite the load there!
    Goodluck :)
