Monday, September 20, 2010

The Office

It is extremely rare that I find myself following a television series. I have only kept up with two my entire life. One being the ABC hit "LOST" and the other being the hilarious NBC hit show "The office". The office (for the one person who hasn't see it) is a comedy fiction documentary on a fake paper company set in Scranton, Pennsylvania named "Dunder Mifflin".
The boss, Michael Scott (played by Steve Carrell), is completely unfit for the job and spends most of his time either looking for a girlfriend or organizing time wasting conference meetings. The other main characters include Jim, Dwight, Andy, and Pam. The rest of the cast is rounded out by Phyllis, Creed, Stanley, Kevin, Meredith, Angela, Ryan, Kelly, Toby ("Toby is the worst" -Michael Scott), Oscar, Erin, and Darrell.
Throughout the episodes you find Dwight giving birth to a watermelon, Michael grilling his foot on a George Foreman Grill, Jim pulling countless pranks on Dwight, Toby receiving a rock for a present, and the others doing the most ridiculous things you can think of. Each one of the people within the office has their own identity which makes the show so much more fun to watch each week. It really reminds me of where I work. I have been working at the same restaurant for 6 years now and have a new found relationship with my co workers (mostly comedic) throughout watching the office because of its different story lines, the boss, and corporate bearing down on you in every way possible.
The office is starting up again this week every thursday night on NBC. If you can't catch it at night, try for replays of the premiere and following episodes throughout the season. I love watching the office. It gives me a sense of comedy, release, relate-ability in the work place, and most of all something fun to talk about with others.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


It's one of the things I do best. If there is one thing in this world I am good at, it's procrastinating ;). I can't lie though, I wish I wasn't so good at it. But hey, I am really good at it...

My entire life I have procrastinated. From elementary school to high school I have always been this way with projects, studying and daily assignments. It was always uncommon for me to sit down, and take care of all my work all at once. I wonder if it is my parents fault to a certain degree.

Taking 16 credits this semester, working 15 hours a week, 2 bible studies, and numerous other activities (fantasy football :) ) it really isn't a good thing to have right now. I don't even have time to focus on reading scripture on a regular basis because the work just seems to pile up. I want to be able to focus on everything I am given that means a lot to me.

I need to refocus, get my priorities straight and get this habit out of my system. Only then I will find myself feeling more organized, relaxed, and ultimately fulfilled. Fulfillment is what I am aiming for and God is the key to that. What's the one thing you need to get out of your tree of bad habits?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Post

I've always wanted to do one of these. One of these "thingys" online. I always thought this was a great way to keep your friends and family up to date on your life and that is pretty neat. But since this is my first post I want to keep it simple and just tell you about what holds me together in my life. I walk humbly in Christ and know first and foremost I am nothing without him. My family is my second most important facet in my life. Not only are they family but some of my best friends. Their support in my life is beyond explanation and am so blessed with them. From my sister-in-laws to my nephew and nieces, I consider myself so lucky. Thirdly I would say going to school for elementary education at Concordia University is one of the most exciting goals I have going right now. My life is full of different events, activities and unexplained happenings, but it is because of my faith in God and family that keep me grounded as an individual and always know I have God to trust in every situation I find weary.