Oh where to start?! It's thanksgiving week and it has to be my favorite week of the year. This year I get to enjoy two thanksgivings. This time of the year brings forth family and food, both of my favorite things in life.
When I was growing up my family would spend thanksgiving week with my aunt and her family in Madison but now that our own family is getting older and bigger, we find ourselves having our very own year after year. The only negative about thanksgiving is I always find myself having to clean the house which sucks. Let's be honest, no one likes cleaning the house.
Wednesday is my family's thanksgiving night and thankfully (pun intended) I don't need to work. Traditional turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, potatoes, and much more I am forgetting. Thursday my brother and sister-in law have me coming over for a smaller, yet just as fun thanksgiving celebration. On the menu for thursday you ask? Much more of a non-traditional menu if you will... Chicken, unique appetizers all day, and other foods you would've find at your grandpa and grandma's.
The last 12 month's have been the most difficult of my time here on earth so far. I never thought I would have to deal with the amount of stresses that have hit me but I still have much to be thankful for. God always gives us what we can handle and we all need to be thankful that he is in control. We all need to keep in mind all the blessings we have in life, how fortunate we are with a simple roof over our head and food in our pantry. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope it's a great one.
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