Thursday, December 9, 2010


If there is one thing I regret in my life it is to not continue my soccer career after my sophomore year of high school. I had broken my ankle for the second time that year and found myself just burned out from the sport. It got political, it got stress-filled and just wasn't the fun sport I once knew. However I wish I would've just sucked it up and kept playing.

I started playing soccer the day I could walk. My dad was my coach growing up in the recreational program for 5 years. I was fortunate enough to make select as well when I was old enough to try out. I have won the state championship 3 times with my teams I have played for and took second twice. I then played high school in the fall and select in the spring with indoor teams in between.

I remember the cold damp ice crystals on the grass at 7 am in the morning. Our parents would wake us up with a banana I could hardly put down because of the nerves and excitement of how the game would go. My stiff muscles were hardly able to stretch for game time as the cold would suffocate my body. But when game time started, all the extremities and issues were put away as all I would think about was that ball.

I write all of this not because I want you to see how blessed I was to be on such great teams. I write this to you because I want you to not give up on something. I still play soccer today but I lost a couple of my years of my life not doing what I love. Life isn't about what you don't want to do, it is all about what you do want to do.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I love my family more than I can put into words. It's almost useless trying to write a blog entry on how much my family means to me, but then again, it's my blog and I want to write about things that matter. The 12 past months have been so hard on me personally. I've gone through too many things to count and just can't see a light at the end of the tunnel. My emotions have been a complete roller coaster day in and day out. I have woken up mornings to find myself not wanting to move on with my life to turning to vices that aren't good for my state of being.

Some of the closest people to me don't even know all the things that have happened to me but without my family I wouldn't have been able to approach things better today than I have in months past. I have still been extremely stressed and all parts of my life have taken a toll on me, especially school. However my family is my bright shining star. They are they ones who hold me together. They are my glue. Each one of them holds such a special place in my heart and have been an intrigual part of my slow recovery of what I call life.

Because of my family I have been able to escape my extreme depression, anxiety disorder, my uncle's untimely passing, my broken engagement to a wonderful girl, and my sister's recent struggles in life. If there is one thing I am starting to realize is that this is a time in which God wants me to learn. When I am able to meet people with the similar problems in the future I will be there for them and help them understand there is a light at the end of the tunnel - there is hope.
My family is so important to me. With them I am who I am. Without them I am nothing. I feel I am going through these things because God wants me to grow closer to him and make sure I lean on him for everything and that is what my family has been able to teach me. That is what family is all about anyways isn't it?